What Are the Signs of a Sick Tree?
If your tree is sick, it's time to call in a professional. Your tree has some things going on that you need help understanding. It could be the result of some insect infestation or other condition you can't find any answers for. While there is no single cause or cure for all problems with trees, some telltale signs provided by professional tree service in Loganville may lead you to diagnose the exact problem…
The Leaves on the Tree Turn Yellow or Brown
Leaves turn brown in the fall and then fall off. This is a normal part of the season for trees, and it happens because their leaves are dying back and falling off. If you see this happening to your tree, it's best to wait until spring before cutting it down or pruning it, as this may cause more damage than good.
What Are the Signs of a Sick Tree? |
The Leaves on Your Tree Have Holes in Them
Insects can cause holes in leaves, but rarely does an insect make a hole in one of them. If you notice small holes appearing in the leaves of your tree, then there could be something wrong with them, such as diseases or fungi. You should contact a professional if you find these holes in your leaves because they could indicate other problems caused by insects or fungi that affect trees.
Foliage Is Dying or Discolored
The leaves on trees are their food source and the first line of defense against harsh weather conditions. If you notice that the foliage on your trees is discolored or dying, it could indicate an issue with the roots or trunk of the tree. Root rot can cause this leaf damage, but other diseases also cause similar symptoms. If you're noticing your trees' foliage turning yellow or brown and they're not actively growing new leaves, contact a professional tree service immediately!
Tree Branches Are Drooping or Weak
If your branches are drooping, they could be dying or weak due to disease or damage from insects or wind. If you notice any browning or blackening on the tips of your branches, contact a professional arborist immediately so that they can assess the health of your entire tree. If you witness this sign, you need to call a tree service Loganville specialist immediately.
Diseased Leaves, Stem, And/or Bark
Last but not least, another sign of a diseased tree is a leaf blight or stem and/or bark disease. These are caused by fungi, bacteria, or microscopic parasites that cause the leaves to become yellow, brown, or black. The fungus that causes leaf diseases often spreads from one tree to another and can also infect the roots of trees. A common symptom of leaf blight is an increase in leaflets on a plant's leaves. A bacterial infection can cause spots on leaves, while a fungal infection can lead to brown spots with white centers. The most common stem and/or bark disease symptoms are dieback on branches and twig dieback on small branches.
In The End
Looking at the signs of a sick tree can be a good place to start to determine if you need to hire a tree service in Monroe or if the tree requires some basic pruning. The sooner you notice these symptoms, the easier it will be to make a call on how bad the problem is and what can be done about it.
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